The Internets (2015)
A collaboration with Yoav Lifshitz and Tal Messing.
"The Internets" addresses the transformation of the Internet from a free and open public space into a constantly monitored area governed by corporations.
"The Internets" uses the temporary autonomous zone generated by the individual wifi router. This space, still uncensored and unmonitored, is a post-internet version of a free speech zone, with the wifi router acting as the metaphorical megaphone. Five routers generate different "closed" internets that do not intersect. These networks appear on the user's smartphone's wifi networks screen. Once the users connect to the GOOG network, they cannot go to any other site outside of the Google realm. If they want to check what's new on Facebook, they are forced to disconnect from the GOOG network and connect to the FB network.
Router Based Software Code.